
Why do you think the potential last tournament in Best Wishes was so insignificant? | Page 3

Re: Why do you think the potential last tournament in Best Wishes was so insignifican

In this Unova episode, I think it was the writer's attempt at saying HEY Ash, DID win one of our tournaments!!

I agree. i see it as a form of appeasment to the livid fanbase (which really isnt helping)
It is just sad because to me that makes Ash look even weaker than what the writers have already displayed so far. Just because he won a tournament, we can all see that it was a half-baked rushed competition and like I mentioned already it makes Ash look weak.

Why? Because from a long time fan's point of view it is like saying the only way Ash could win a tournament is if it is thrown together for the sake of another plot within an episode. Just sad...

Ash losing to Iris in the first one made it seem kind of legit like hey the only way Iris could beat Ash (like Psyduck did against Kingler in the World Cup) is to put him in a situation that he CAN'T beat her. Seriously, if Palpitoad were put in instead of Pikachu it might be safe to say she would have lost.

Scraggy vs. Throh...I hated that match because it just made Ash look ridiculous like using "Leer" with Scraggy and all along with using Focus Blast over and over again with ALL of them missing, just pitiful in my opinion. I know Ash is always one for a challenge but I can't believe he even thought he'd win against someone who easily took out Excadrill and Mienshao with a tiny Pokemon that got crushed in just one of Throh's hands (but I think that fight Scraggy was smaller than usual or something just to make Throh look more menacing which was better than him tearing up the punching bag trying to look like a badass, wow you tore up part of a "playground" nice job, douche...).

The WORST part of that battle to me was seeing Ash use Hi Jump Kick after seeing what happened when that Mienshao used it in the first round by the trainer that looks like Krillin if he was on steroids and had a nose. How could you do the same thing and expect to win? I don't know...

Against Serperior...eh well we've already seen this thing get B.S. wins not to mention all of his other matches with Trip has been ridiculous anyway, guess the writers had nothing to lose letting Pignite miss 100% of the time, man I know how pissed I get if one Smokescreen, Sand-Attack, Double Team, Sand Veil, Snow Cloak or an opponent holding Bright-powder makes one or two of my moves miss when I needed them the most.

I couldn't have been Ash in that battle I would have been cursing up a storm haha.

Now in this tournament I still say that it was not one of the writer's best moves. Just "handing" a win to Ash like that. Remember in fillers of other seasons especially DP and Johto, in fillers Ash would win random tournament around 90% of the times he'd enter in them? Like Sumo Wrestling with Snorlax, Bayleef in the Pokemon Race for an egg or getting to face Palmer in the Twinleaf Festival?

How many times have we seen Ash win something in the BW series?

Seriously, if he's won something I've honestly forgotten because of the numerous losses he's faced. Not to mention how many battles outside of gyms has he won that were BELIEVABLE?


Martina Birk

Update: 2024-07-03